Thursday, November 16, 2006

Welcome from the Pastor

The church is not a building, the church is not a steeple, but the church is the people. While we value the history and all the parts which make up our beautiful building, the members, friends, staff, youth, children, and infants of our congregation make up the real church in downtown Greenville. Together sharing our gifts and talents we represent the hands, feet, arms, and mouthpiece of Jesus Christ in this world.

While this congregation is thankful for the past and joyful about the present, we look forward with hope and anticipation to the future as we continue to "Reach out to all people as Christ's disciples". Let us celebrate who we are in Christ and what Christ has called us to do for His glory.

We welcome you to be a part of this church family and to experience the warmth and love that Christ can offer. May the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ ever sustain us, giving us strength for every day, wisdom for every problem, and joy in every service.